State of the Art Industrial Training Institute
Chhatri, Mandi (HP)

Skill India Logo

Vision and Mission

Our mission is to provide valued learning experiences, which makes a difference to the quality of human resources. Children are imparted Foundation for the preparation of formal education, later on emphasis is laid on the development of child's intellectual, emotional, aesthetic and social aspect of personality. The children are offered ample opportunities for learning by doing and their individual progress is mentioned closely.

Education at all levels is also viewed today as acquisition of skills not mere bookish knowledge. The curriculum includes in it a variety of activities that import skills leading to the basis of a career later on. It is with purpose activities such as Quiz, Debate, Declamation, Calligraphy, group Discussion, Sports and Cultural Activity etc. are included. Children are encouraged to be analytical and expressive to realize our mission. A well furnished infrastructure has been provided to the students. The school has well equipped with Physics, Chemistry, Bio and Computer labs.